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Medium priority

When using ConfigurableInternodeAuthHadoopPlugin for authentication, Apache Solr versions prior to 8.8.2 would forward/proxy distributed requests using server credentials instead of original client credentials. This would result...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Not affected Not affected Not affected Not affected Not affected
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Medium priority

When starting Apache Solr versions prior to 8.8.2, configured with the SaslZkACLProvider or VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider and no existing security.json znode, if the optional read-only user is configured then Solr...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Not affected Not affected Not affected Not affected Not affected
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Medium priority
Needs evaluation

The ReplicationHandler (normally registered at "/replication" under a Solr core) in Apache Solr has a "masterUrl" (also "leaderUrl" alias) parameter that is used to designate another ReplicationHandler on another Solr core to...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation
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Medium priority
Not affected

Apache Solr versions 6.6.0 to 6.6.6, 7.0.0 to 7.7.3 and 8.0.0 to 8.6.2 prevents some features considered dangerous (which could be used for remote code execution) to be configured in a ConfigSet that's uploaded via API without...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Not affected Not affected Not affected
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Medium priority
Needs evaluation

Reported in SOLR-14515 (private) and fixed in SOLR-14561 (public), released in Solr version 8.6.0. The Replication...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation
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Medium priority
Needs evaluation

In Apache Solr, the cluster can be partitioned into multiple collections and only a subset of nodes actually host any given collection. However, if a node receives a request for a collection it does not host, it proxies...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation Needs evaluation
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High priority

Apache Solr 5.0.0 to Apache Solr 8.3.1 are vulnerable to a Remote Code Execution through the VelocityResponseWriter. A Velocity template can be provided through Velocity templates in a configset `velocity/` directory or as a...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Not affected Not affected Not affected Not affected Not affected
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Medium priority
Not affected

The 8.1.1 and 8.2.0 releases of Apache Solr contain an insecure setting for the ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS configuration option in the default configuration file shipping with Solr. If you use the default file...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Not affected Not affected
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High priority

Some fixes available 2 of 5

In Apache Solr, the DataImportHandler, an optional but popular module to pull in data from databases and other sources, has a feature in which the whole DIH configuration can come from a request's "dataConfig" parameter. The debug...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Not affected Not affected Not affected Fixed Fixed
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Low priority

Server Side Request Forgery in Apache Solr, versions 1.3 until 7.6 (inclusive). Since the "shards" parameter does not have a corresponding whitelist mechanism, a remote attacker with access to the server could make Solr perform an...

1 affected package


Package 24.04 LTS 22.04 LTS 20.04 LTS 18.04 LTS 16.04 LTS
lucene-solr Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable Vulnerable
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