Why do you use Ubuntu?

This article is more than 14 year s old.

We’ve been looking at making developments to the Ubuntu website that explore and highlight the reasons for using Ubuntu above and beyond the features of the products. One idea we had was to invite community members and Ubuntu users to tweet or post about why they use Ubuntu and display this on the site. The community’s voice on the website would demonstrate one of the key drivers for using Ubuntu: showing the strength and commitment of the community, not just telling visitors about it.  Adding the voice and personality of the community to the websites will enable members and users to participate in our site’s messaging and to share their passion for the concept and principles on which Ubuntu is based.We decided to run a test yesterday to see how you responded and whether there was interest. There are some great replies. Our favourite so far:

More can be found on Twitter:  #iuseubuntubecause and identi.ca: #iuseubuntubecause

Please post your own and raise awareness so we can get a broader response.

Have you got any other ideas for how we can bring this to the fore on our websites?

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